
Our Division Transportation
TPD moves APA! With a robust membership base consisting of transportation planners across the US and the world, the American Planning Association Transportation Planning Division facilitates the exchange of knowledge to efficiently move people and goods, shape urban form, enhance economic vitality and improve quality of life. The APA TPD collaborates with other APA Divisions and other professional groups to advocate for the transportation planning profession and promote mobility in the communities where we live and work.

The Transportation Planning Division is the home for all transportation planners. We believe transportation planning is more than just a profession — it's what connects us to the world.
TPD offers the opportunity to:
- Provide input on nationwide transportation policy and legislation as part of the Planners Advisory Council (PAC) and Peer Review opportunities
- Learn from top transportation planners and earn free CM credits in our transportation webinar series
- Connect with peers at our networking events both at the annual National Planning Conference and local programming via Chapter Liaisons
- Give back to the communities during our Annual Day of Service
- Get support for individual projects through our Small Grants Program
- Students can show off their academic skills submitting their work in the annual Student Paper Competition
- Be a NPC Session Reviewer for Transportation focused submissions
- Publish your cutting edge work in the biannual State of Transportation Publication (SoTP)
The Transportation Planning Division provides a platform for transportation professionals and students to network and engage with others in the field. TPD aims to cast a wide net to offer content and programming that is useful for all "transpos".
- Robert McHaney, AICP, CTP